I'm getting test failures due to what looks like a bug in network_test_helper.rb:
1) Error: test_ConduitRule.build_if_remap:_Remap_with_known_product_name(ConduitRuleTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: unrecognized token: "{I" eth0:EF{I" path ;": UPDATE "attribs" SET "jig_run_id" = 0, "value_actual" = {I" eth0:EF{I" path;FI"&0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:02:01:0;FI" speeds;F[I" 100m;FI"1g;FI" eth1;F{I" path;FI"&0000:00/0000:00:04.0/0000:02:02:0;FI" speeds;F[I"1g;FI10g;F', "updated_at" = '2013-03-04 16:34:20.839885' WHERE "attribs"."type" IN ('BarclampCrowbar::AttribDefault') AND "attribs"."id" = 47 This is due to NetworkTestHelper.create_node constructing a nested Hash called nics which looks like this: { "eth0"=> {"path"=>"0000:00/0000:00:02.0/0000:02:01:0", "speeds"=>["100m", "1g"]}, "eth1"=> {"path"=>"0000:00/0000:00:04.0/0000:02:02:0", "speeds"=>["1g", "10g"]} } and then calling node.set_attrib("nics", nics) on it. ActiveRecord then attempts to serialise this as a string so it can store it in the database, and then the sqlite3 db adapter barfs on that string. I'm not sure how this wasn't noticed before; maybe you guys are testing with MySQL instead? Regardless, it seems rather odd to be attempting to serialise nested data structures in database fields, and I don't see any deserialization code, so I'm guessing this was unintentional? _______________________________________________ Crowbar mailing list Crowbar@dell.com https://lists.us.dell.com/mailman/listinfo/crowbar For more information: http://crowbar.github.com/