On 27/08/2023 17:06, Bruno Haible wrote:
Pádraig Brady wrote:
Perhaps 'sleep' is a shell builtin here which is confusing things?

$ type sleep
sleep is a shell builtin

Does the following help (I don't have easy access to an alpine system):

diff --git a/tests/misc/usage_vs_getopt.sh b/tests/misc/usage_vs_getopt.sh
index 3ffb7b0b1..f4f12136a 100755
--- a/tests/misc/usage_vs_getopt.sh
+++ b/tests/misc/usage_vs_getopt.sh
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ for prg in $built_programs; do
       '[' | expr | stty )
       # Wrap some utilities known by the shell by env.
-    echo | false | kill | printf | pwd | test | true )
+    echo | false | kill | printf | pwd | sleep | test | true )
         prg="env $prg";;
     checkprg $prg

Yes. With this change, the failure disappears.

Cool. Applied (as well as all your other coreutils and gnulib changes).

And the other one as well(!).
Instead, a new failure appears (!!):
   FAIL: tests/cp/preserve-mode

This is reproducible, not spurious: I ran "make check" 3 times, 3 times the
same result.

Find attached tests/cp/preserve-mode.log.

There is some confusion here.
That looks to be the same failure as analyzed before.


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