Thank you! Dne čt 21. 4. 2016 11:17 uživatel Petr Baudis <> napsal:
> Hi! > > Since "the record's stuck", I have found this as another rant without > point, and djhbrown hasn't responded to my private request for staying > on topic and friendly, I have taken the liberty to "cast the first > stone" and > > enabled the moderation bit for djhbrown. > > I'll be happy to pass through any mail that could have an interesting > insight, otherwise I invite those enjoying these reads to watch his > blog and youtube channel. > > On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:52:01AM +1000, djhbrown . wrote: > > Surely, someone, somewhere, has used, or tried to use, a CNN to label > > groups in a Go game 361-pixellation? > > > > Q: what's the point of Go? > > A: 361 > > > > (you would have thought someone else would have already thought of that > one) > > > > Minsky and Papert threw a spanner into the works of the NN Magi of the > > day, but whose grandchildren are now basking in the reflected glow of > > their triumphal triumphant Man Who Would be King Apollo > > Al(pha)exander who has conquered further far East than Kaffiristan - > > Peace Be Upon Her prophet Kipling. > > > > The spanner was that the MPs found out that Perceptrons were Baron > > Munchausen Walter Mittys who couldn't see the hole in a doughnut, > > which meant that although they could learn to out-Pong space invaders, > > they would become lost in a Pacman maze. As they did, as Dm hirelings > > let slip out of the bag. > > > > Later, or before, depending on how you look at it, Backpropagators > > claimed to have overcome this clog in their Jaquard's Loom in a Simple > > Twist of Fate by claiming that Minsky was ancient history just as he > > had claimed that they would so become [1], and now the new religion of > > Stratified Convolutionism is claiming columnar accession to the throne > > of AI, after Marchly breaking the back of the monster Orwellian > > Goldstein gold standard Enemy of the Statespace, so it's just a few > > weeks left to the Singularity, say the homeopathic snake-oil homology > > self-promotional entrepreneurial salesmen. > > > > Sir Humphrey: "Everything is connected... who said that?" > > Bernard: "The Cabinet Secretary?" > > Sir H: "Nearly right; actually, it was Lenin" > > > > Norman Mailer once ranted that critics should be shot, but The Prince > > Vespasian Flavius was cunninger, seeing the wisdom of his > > Machiavelli-of-the-day Josephus that rather than claim to be the Sun > > incarnate (as had his predecessors and as would his son's successors) > > and attempt ViViVi by enfilade brute force, he could rule over the > > southern desert troublemakers more easily and cheaply by spin > > propaganda alone, simply by pretending he and his son Titus were the > > earthly allegory of the heavenly born-again Messiah they yearned for > > and put into that character's mouth the platitude that they should > > render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and love their enemies rather > > than stone them. > > > > And it worked, for two thousand years, and is still going strong > > despite a few seminal whacky leaks, just as Monty Python's Black > > Adder Baldrick C(u)NN(ing) Plan has created a Reich that will last a > > thousand years and upon which the sun will never set, so let us parrot > > Hymn Number google in the Good Bok of Not the Nine O-Clock News [2] > > and that other one: > > > > "it (symbolic reasoning) is an ex-parrot; it has ceased to be. Monty > > is Great! I avow that there is no Go but Monty.". > > > > Apologies to those unfamiliar with the various historical allusions > > that are variously common and uncommon knowledge among readers of A > > History of the English-Speaking Peoples, to whom it will be somewhat > > illusory without Googling the Gogglebox. which may cause the more > > insecure among them to jump on the bandwagon of striking the first > > blow and casting the first stone for the umpteenth time, anxious for > > attention and the comfort blanket of communal hatred of any straw man > > that stumbles across their blinkered monochrome landscape, so to > > relieve the burden of thought, Sherpa the Sean suggests somewheres to > > start: > > > > 1. > > > > 2. > > > > Only a Dostoyevskian Idiot-ic lone wolf apostate would dare leave the > > quiet safety of the silent steppes to risk the monotonic ugly-mouthed > > egg-throwing of self-righteous smug lion camp followers snug in their > > schooled mutual hatred of anything or anyone with more melanin or a > > different perspective than their straightjacket mindset. > > > > The record's stuck, the record's stuck. > > _______________________________________________ > > Computer-go mailing list > > > > > > -- > Petr Baudis > If you have good ideas, good data and fast computers, > you can do almost anything. -- Geoffrey Hinton > _______________________________________________ > Computer-go mailing list > >
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