On 4/1/16 9:40 AM, Petr Baudis wrote:
On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 07:08:34AM +0200, Robert Jasiek wrote:
On 01.04.2016 02:22, djhbrown . wrote:
kogo is great for corner openings
Kogo contains many mistakes. Too many kyus got their hands on it.

It would be better to spend 3+ weeks using kombilo on GoGoD and create a new
joseki tree. A summary of such an effort (with some interesting, additional,
old variations) you find in Joseki 3 - Dictionary.
(If someone is lazy or has trouble setting up kombilo, a great and
extremely approachable way to try this online is http://ps.waltheri.net/ )

As a player, I find http://www.josekipedia.com/ useful.


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