on the subject of tools for learning josekis, i would love to have to
the help of a computerised assistant who could show me a flip-through
"photo album" of how alternative paths in a joseki end up, without
having to plod along the paths (which to me is a dark and mysterious
tree of paths in a dark and mysterious forest)

the thing about josekis is not where you start, nor even where you
step, but where you end up

i'd love to have kogo sitting inside a game playing client which could
assist me by offerring the following navigation functions:

- click on last move to initiate a matchup with kogo and start a
flip-through by spacebar of just the ends of the main lines of
variations starting from there, so i can see which variation would
suit the game position i am in. that way i can start to learn where
josekis end instead of just where they start.

- right/left arrows crawl forward/back along a branch
- up/down arrows jump up/down (to the start of) variation branches.
(think of the tree as being laid out sideways)

- click on variation being shown to make its first move on the gameboard,
- backspace or esc to return to own play mode.

i am unaware of any existing client/editor that has these variation
navigation buttons in just the way i have described; the ones i use
right now are cgoban and gogui - the latter because it loads kogo
miles quicker than cgoban

usability is inversely proportional to programmability; this would be
easy for users but a bit of work for a developer.

PS kogo is great for corner openings, but there are also middle edge
and yose josekis that pros learn and occasionally mention in video
lectures, so if they were included too, that would help us novices out
a lot.

patient: "whenever i open my mouth, i get a shooting pain in my foot"
doctor: "fire!"
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