For Go there is no way to estimate how much stonger one get. But in chess
it can be estimated (not proven) based on what is evident currently, like
top programs never lose on white even against other top program. There is
no way anyone is going to make chess program that beats current top program
3 times out for.  So for chess we can assume that we so close to point
where program can hold draw against anyone that limit can be estimated
go is in many ways very different thing.  Computer Go is now reached
something that happened in chess either late eighties or late nineties
depending interpretation


2016-03-14 16:11 GMT+02:00 Robert Jasiek <>:

> On 14.03.2016 09:33, Petri Pitkanen wrote:
>> And being 600 elo points above best human you are pretty close  to best
>> possible play.
> You do not have any evidence for such a limit.
> --
> robert jasiek
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