Just in case that no one knows it. Ke Jie has publicly announced that he is
willing to play against AlphaGo, even without any prize money. Since Ke Jie
is absolutely the current No.1, it would be a good choice to have another
match with Ke Jie, time permitting, no matter AlphaGo wins or loses against
Lee Sedol,.


2016-01-31 13:34 GMT-08:00 John Tromp <john.tr...@gmail.com>:

> > You must be kidding about Lee Sedol.
> > ...
> > So he was by far the biggest fish Google could ever catch for that
> > game, for Go insiders as well as for people outside the Go scene.
> Well said, Marc.
> In terms of name recognition and domination in the past decade,
> who else but Lee Sedol should be picked as the "Kasparov of Go"
> in the ultimate Man vs Machine match?
> -John
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