Ingo and all, Why you care AlphaGo and DCNN so much? Surely DeepMind team did a big leap but the big problems, such as detecting double-ko and solving complex positions are left unchanged. Also it's well known that to attack these weakpoint of MCTS bots, the opponents have to be strong enough. On 9x9, this was shown in fall 2012. Now this can be applied 19x19 as well.
Hideki Ingo Althofer: <trinity-c3f565fb-803c-4ddf-86fb-d6b815232762-1454274905354@3capp-gmx-bs61>: >Hi Peter, > > >> I'm due for a sabbatical next year. I had been joking, "It sure would be >> good >> timing if someone cracked Go right before that started. Then I'd have plenty >> of time to pick a new research topic." It looks like AlphaGo has provided. > >you are not the only one in such a situation or a similar one... > >Probably you know, that the ICGA has its next Computer Olympiad end of >June 2916 in Leiden (NL), together with a 3-day conference "Computers and >Games". >It is an exciting question how the whole event will be. In which moods >the programmers are, to which other games CNNs will be applied, which >new directions of research will be started, which bots will start in the >computer go competition ... > >I think the questions may become more urgent when certain >things will happen in March. > >Cheers, Ingo. >_______________________________________________ >Computer-go mailing list > > -- Hideki Kato <> _______________________________________________ Computer-go mailing list