On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:29:29AM -0600, Jim O'Flaherty wrote:
> I think the first goal was and is to find a pathway that clearly works to
> reach into the upper echelons of human strength, even if the first version
> used a huge amount of resources. Once found, then the approach can be
> explored for efficiencies from both directions, top down (take this away
> and see what we lose, if anything) and bottom up (efficiently reoriginate a
> reflection of a larger pattern in a much more constrained environment).
> >From what I can see in the chess community, this is essentially what
> happened following Deep Blue's win against Kasperov. And now their are
> solutions on single desktops that can best what Deep Blue did with far more
> computational resources.


  Also, reflecting on what I just wrote,

> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Petr Baudis <pa...@ucw.cz> wrote:
> >
> >   (I guess I'm a bit disappointed that no really new ML models had to be
> > invented for this though, I was wondering e.g. about capsule networks or
> > training simple iterative evaluation subroutines (for semeai etc.) by
> > NTM-based approaches.  Just like everyone else, color me very awed by
> > such an astonishing result with just what was presented.)
> >
> >   In summary, seems to me that the big part of why this approach was so
> > successful are the huge computational resources applied to this, which
> > is of course an obstacle (except the big IT companies).

  this is not meant at all as a criticism of AlphaGo, purely just
a discussion point!  Even if you have a lot of hardware, it's *hard* to
make it add value, as anyone who tried to run MCTS on a cluster could
testify - it's not just a matter of throwing it at the problem, and the
challenges aren't just engineering-related either.

  So maybe I'd actually say that this was even understated in the paper
- that AlphaGo uses an approach which scales so well with available
computational power (at training time) compared to previous approaches.

                                Petr Baudis
        If you have good ideas, good data and fast computers,
        you can do almost anything. -- Geoffrey Hinton
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