I would totally participate if it was written in Haskell. The benefit is
that it releases an .exe and it has web frameworks and DB stuff already
written in it. Languages like Rust are not mature enough, while C++ is
not safe enough. C# and Java of course compile to bytecode and not native.
On 2015-04-02 18:02, Joshua Shriver wrote:
BTW I greatly appreciate all the input! and put in TODO.txt
Since I do plan to make this open source and ON github.
Guess I'm looking for "helper developers"
I own like 12 servers so can host, while keeping the solid boardspace in tact.
In fact I just bought 2 more servers, 1 real 1 replication.
Again I'm curios of language??
I'm top at C/Perl for "real contimplation"
BTW I am a Linux guy true and true since 1994. But I am DAMN tempted
to write it in C#. Especially w/ MS OSS .Net framework. WE always had
mono but right now. That is where I am REALLY leaning.
I don't even know C#, but good at JAVA despite my hatred for the language lol.
My goal is to move away from interpreted languages and release SOLID
.exe or bin for unices.
Client viewer, client host for engine.
Seriously I am ok now, financially, and my hobby projects are mature.
I have time to REALLY drive in and make CGOS what it deserves. But
again it needs a pure re-write lol
BTW as the future maintainer, given any/all emails that come from this
thread. I ALSO appreciate emails from people recommending people.
It's easy to get 20+ ppl saying OMG I want to help. But I need at
least 1-2 more core devs outside me, especially if I'm working in a
language outside my zone.
So I also ask fellow devs to post comments on what language you think
would be good for now/future prospects.
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