On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 9:21 AM, folkert <folk...@vanheusden.com> wrote:
> Alvaro, Urban,
> thanks!
> I've got an additional question.
> It may be obvious but it is written a bit ambiguous imho on
> senseis.xmp.net:
> "A player's score is the number of points of her color, plus the number
> of empty points that reach only her color."
> So an empty point that can reach the border of the board doesn't count,
> right?

Reaching is defined as a relation on points and colors (white, black or empty)
There is no notion of border in there. Borders are just lack of
adjacency for some points.
A 19x19 board with only a single black stone scores as +361 for Black.

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