I will, but it will take some time.
It is a problem of resources:
As I have holidays in the summer I think of visiting Advances in
Computer Games 2015 in Leiden.
And I do not want to go there with nothing!
So I need my graphic card for CNN training as I think of doing some
research on CNN for position evaluation. Hopefully there will be some
computer go people:)
On the other hand, I did not tune any of the important progressive
widening parameters for the bot, which would take another week at least...
Am 12.01.2015 um 17:30 schrieb "Ingo Althöfer":
Dear Detlef,
Todays bot tournament nicego19n (oakfoam) played with a CNN for move
congratulation to the performance of your bot, and thanks for
letting us know.
Will you let NiceGo play in the KGS computer room against humans
to see how it performs?
Thumbs pressed, Ingo.
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