I am planing to play around a little with CNN for learning who is
leading in a board position.
What would you suggest to represent the komi?
I would try an additional layer with every point having the value of komi.
Any better suggestions:)
By the way:
Todays bot tournament nicego19n (oakfoam) played with a CNN for move
It was mixed into the original gamma with some quickly optimized
parameter leading to >100ELO improvement for selfplay with 2000
playouts/move. I used the Clark and Storkey Network, but with no
additional features (only a black and a white layer). I trained it on
60000 kgs games and reached about 41% prediction rate. I have no delayed
evaluation, as I evaluate no mini-batch but only one position taking
about 1.6ms on the GTX-970. A little delay might happen anyway, as only
one evaluation is done at once and other threads might go on playing
while one thread is doing CNN. We have quite slow playouts anyway, so I
had around 70000 playouts/move during the game.
If you want to get an impression, how such a bot plays, have a look at
the games :)
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