> When I had an opportunity to talk to Yann LeCun about a month ago, I asked
> him if anybody had used convolutional neural networks to play go and he
> wasn't aware of any efforts in that direction. 

There was work using neural networks in the mid 1990s, when I first
started with computer go. I think the problem, at that time, came down
to if you use just a few features it was terrible quality, but if you
used more interesting inputs the training times increased exponentially,
so much so that it became utterly impractical.

I suppose this might be another idea, like monte carlo, that just needed
enough computing power for it to become practical for go; it'll be
interesting to see how their attempts to scale it turn out. I've added
the paper in my Christmas Reading list :-)


>> Teaching Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go
>> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.3409v1.pdf
>> Thier move prediction got 91% winrate against GNU Go and 14%
>> against Fuego in 19x19.

Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
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