On Dec 13, 2009, at 9:38 AM, Corey Harris <charri...@gmail.com> wrote:
I know this is a simple issue but I'm not sure of the solution. I am
currently in the very early stages of writing a go engine. I have
the board state and simple opening library implemented (no play
logic yet). I'm would like to output debugging/developnent output
statements to the gogui shell window. If the engine sends printf
("some output\n"); gogui says "Sent a malformed response". If it
fprintf(stderr, "some output\n"); nothing is displayed.
How can you print messages to the shell without disrupting the
message protocol?
Writing to stderr works fine for me, but gogui does not show shell
output immediately. It waits until some point in overall execution
before showing anything in the shell output.
Also, is there a site that describes the workings of a UCT bot in
detail similiar to some chess programming tutorial sites?
Not that I'm aware of, but senseis.xmp.net might be a good place to
start. Basic UCT is simple:
• always start at tree root
• pick the child with the highest metric (upper confidence bound on
win rate)
• repeat last step until you reach a leaf
• if simulations of the leaf > N, expand leaf and pick child with
highest metric
• play random game
• record results for all visited
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