i was puzzeling

is dynamic komi not also usefull for

- early pass, (only play if a move is better than a pass)

- preventing horizon effect. (pushing losses over the search horizon)
  (not so sure about this but MTSC/ utc doesn't seem to prevent it on
its own, what i find s bit puzelling on its self)

-strong play in lost games. preventing braindead moves
  (even if the game is lost the program can still play strong, just
adjust the komi so that some moves are better than others)
  resignation can than be defined as points behind.  (resign if more
than 5 points behind but keep playing if 1-4 points behind)

-strongest play at won positions, (if all moves lead to a win, dynamic
komi can decide  what is the best move)

 - whole number komi.
   for player just play like the komi higher (for white) or lower (for
black) so for the program a dfraw become a win for the player.
  (but even then a win is better than a draw, so it is all a bit
fidely but whith the progress on the 9x9 front, when solving small
board go comes into view the problems around whole number komi needs
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