Yes, there are lots of problem with this.   And some of my bots will
automatically pass if doing so gives it the immediate win,  so already I
know of one program that this will not work.   As soon as you pass, the game
is over.

Of course CGOS could be modified with a rule not to end the game until each
player has made at least one non-pass move,  but that solves nothing unless
all the bots were aware of this rule.

Something that might be similar,  would be a rule to play the first N moves
randomly.    It would be a true handicap, but it would not be a consistent
handicap.   For instance 3 random moves may turn out to be reasonably good,
or quite horrible.    Perhaps it would be reasonable to start with N
non-corner random edge moves which might have a similar effect to pass
moves.    Or maybe the first N moves could be specified (to be weak moves)
and the bot moves to each in turn, subject to it's availability.

- Don

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Álvaro Begué <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Heikki Levanto<> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 03:49:11PM -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> >> Handicap games opens a can of worms.
> >
> > Of course, any program is free to give its opponent any handicap it
> wants,
> > by passing in the opening (if the opponent didn't pass last).
> >
> > It is up to the operator of the bot to decide when and how much handicap
> to
> > give, and how to analyze the results. The handicap-giving program can
> play
> > under a different name, so that for CGOS it looks like a totally separate
> > entry, with its own rating.
> This has a few problems:
>  * Let's say black plays on D4 and then white passes, to give some
> handicap. Now black passes and wins the game by n^2 points, according
> to Tromp-Taylor rules.
>  * Similarly, if black tries to give some handicap and passes on the
> first move, white may pass and win the game by komi.
>  * Even if everyone agrees to not do this and continue playing until
> at least both players have one stone on the board, what happens when
> two programs that give handicap meet each other?
>  * Then there is the minor issue that a program might place the
> handicap stones differently if it knows how many stones it can place
> before the opponent starts playing.
> Álvaro.
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