> How about playing with your bot on Little Golem [1]?

For anyone trying to connect for the first time, the server has been
down for the past 3 days. Monitor this conversation to discover when it
comes back up:

BTW, better than a place to play a bot, LG is a very good place to grab
high-level games for making an opening book/training data. The ranks
change violently, so it is hard to notice, but there are some strong
players there who think carefully about each move... E.g. I know a few
of the 9x9 go players with ranks varying from 2-kyu to 2-dan are
actually 6- or 7-dan players "in the real world".


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
http://dcook.org/mlsn/ (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
                        open source dictionary/semantic network)
http://dcook.org/work/ (About me and my work)
http://dcook.org/blogs.html (My blogs and articles)
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