It's not clear how bad Jason's method is however. The points near the
end of the list are LESS likely to be chosen but probably not "much less
likely" and this method is probably pretty fast. I wonder how bad it
really is?
The point after an illegal move is quite a bit more likely to be
selected. If the list had just 1 illegal point, then the point after
it in the list is twice as likely to be selected as any other point.
Perhaps if you added a little noise after each move (perhaps swapping to
points at random) you could minimize any seriously bad effects?
- Don
Don Dailey wrote:
Christoph Birk wrote:
On May 13, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Jason House wrote:
On May 13, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Carter Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have a list of empty points. I pick one at random and then scan
until I find a legal one.
That's not random.
Yes, it's not random at all. The points near the end of the list are
much less likely to be chosen for instance.
I have a list of empty points and I choose from this list at random
and temporarily "put away" any non-legal choices and try again until I
get a legal move.
- Don
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