Would  you guess that mogo is 2 or 3 ranks stronger at 19x19 with all
this hardware?  

I would love to see a fair match,  perhaps a serious 2 or 3 dan player
at 19x19 to be able to say with some certainty that Mogo has reached the
dan levels.     This assumes Mogo has reached this level of course.  
But if Mogo could play a few games against several 3 dan players and
hold even - it would be clear evidence that it has broken the Dan

Unfortunately, in order to get strong empirical evidence that it is at
least a certain level, it has to overachieve significantly unless a huge
number of games are played.

I'm really excited about this match,  but it will REALLY be exciting if
Mogo wins any games at all against such a strong player, even at 9x9.      

- Don

Olivier Teytaud wrote:
>> Has the program become that much stronger on 9x9 recently?
>> (Compared to the version was trying?)
> *Parallelization: MPI ==> ~80% vs no mpi in 9x9 (for same number of
>  cores).
> *Monte-Carlo improvement ==> strongly depends on number of simulations
>    and number of cores (as the multi-core reduces the influence of the
>    computational overhead), ~55% I guess.
> *Openings: 58%, for games with constant time per move (should be higher
>    for games with given total time), if we only keep the openings which
>    are still efficient in the new version of the code. Human-based
>    openings do not work :-(
> *less interestingly, we have a better hardware than at that time (more
>    cores, more GHz).
> ==> no doubt that this mogo is by far stronger than the one at
> Amsterdam 07.
> The improvement is much higher in 19x19, but humans are really too
> strong in 19x19 :-)
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