It's also interesting how the graph up to level 11 seems to form 2 very
straight lines, almost as if they were connected at an angle.

This must be a by-product of how we started the test.   We played only
the first 4 levels as we were testing the system and that is where the
"bend" point is.    Then I added levels gradually.    I cannot figure
out why this would cause such strange behavior.

- Don

Sylvain Gelly wrote:
> Hi Don,
> 2008/2/21, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  If you look at the table you will notice that going from level 4 to level
>> 11 (which is 7 doublings  and should take 128X longer)  only takes 59.43 X
>> longer.
>> Mogo's "stop early" heuristic works better at longer levels.
> That is actually very interesting, and may be a new hypothesis for the
> scalability limits we saw in 9x9. There are two kind of "stop early
> heuristics"
> - a safe one, in the following case: if we began to always simulate
> the second best move, it would not have more simulations that the
> first best move at the end of the time limit. As the chosen move is
> the one with the maximum number of simulations, there is no point to
> continue thinking.
> - a risky one, in the following case: if the first best move have more
> than x% of all simulations, and the ratio first best move/second best
> move (in number of simulations) is more than y, and the total number
> of simulations is greater than expected total of simulations / 2, then
> we stop.
> There is also a "hard" stop early in the following case: if the first
> best move have more than 1-(1-x%)/2 of all simulations, and the ratio
> first best move/second best move (in number of simulations) is more
> than 2 * y, and the total number of simulations is greater than
> expected total of simulations / 4, then we stop
> Maybe x and y are not adapted to long thinking time (stop too early in
> a loosing move).
> Or maybe they are, and it worth saving time :).
> Anyway, it is normal that we longer thinking time, even the first
> heuristic arrives much more often.
> Sylvain
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