>> It would be great to get even more as we get into higher levels, as it
>> will take a LOT of power to get a lot of games when each games takes 2
>> or 3 hours or more.
> Is it possible to have a indicative time and memory consumption at each
> level, for 9x9 and 13x13 study ?
> I guess this does not vary too much on recent hardware (factor 2 at max),
> and it is interesting to extrapolate how the scalability is (im)possible.
I can give you the data for my locally running instance of the study - I
have a core 2 duo system. 

One interesting thing about mogo is that even when you set it to a fixed
level,  it has heuristics to stop the search early - so you see that the
following table does not indicate that each level take 2X time,  instead
it is something less. 

It's interesting also that mogo is much stronger than gnugo at the same
basic time control - at least 300 ELO stronger. 

PLAYER        TIME/GME   RATING  GAMES     WIN%     Total games: 1028
------------  --------  -------  -----  -------
Mogo_13_11      645.36   2493.2     59    86.44   Mogo at 131072 play-outs
Mogo_13_10      367.31   2322.5     60    63.33   Mogo at 65536 play-outs
Mogo_13_09      194.76   2231.1    141    66.67   Mogo at 32768 play-outs
Mogo_13_08      109.11   2103.8    122    49.18   Mogo at 16384 play-outs
Mogo_13_07       79.86   2010.1    125    51.20   Mogo at 8192 play-outs
Mogo_13_06       39.13   1823.0    130    34.62   Mogo at 4096 play-outs
Gnugo-3.7.11    137.56   1800.0    297    68.69   Gnugo level 8
Mogo_13_05       19.80   1741.7    116    42.24   Mogo at 2048 play-outs
Mogo_13_04       10.86   1629.1    266    38.72   Mogo at 1024 play-outs
Mogo_13_03        5.29   1398.4    238    55.46   Mogo at 512 play-outs
Mogo_13_02        2.90   1198.9    276    57.97   Mogo at 256 play-outs
Mogo_13_01        1.69    909.9    226    12.39   Mogo at 128 play-outs

By the way,  the ELO ratings are not very meaningful from this report
because they are only rough estimates for pairing purposes and they are
designed to converge very slowly. 

- Don

> Thanks a lot for this interesting and convincing study.
> Alain
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