Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
> Don Dailey wrote:
>> I must not understand the problem.     My program has no trouble with
>> nakade unless you are talking about some special case position.    My
>> program immediately places the stone on the magic square to protect it's
>> 2 eyes.   
> Can your program identify sekis? Nice examples in attachement.

Yes,  the tree generates pass moves and with 2 passes the game is scored
without play-outs.  Even if there is a playable move,  it will not play
it if it leads to a loss and a pass doesn't.   

I'm not claiming every possible situation is handled correctly however,
because the play-outs are simplistic and there are end of game cases
that the play-outs themselves could get wrong every single time.     But
basic nakade is something even my pure MC player handles correctly in
the basic case.
>> I can't believe mogo doesn't do this, it would be very weak
>> if it didn't.
> That's just an assumption shaped by a non-objective human bias.

So are you saying that if mogo had this position:

| # # # # # #
| O O O O O #
| + + + + O # 
  a b c d e

That mogo would not know to move to nakade point c1 with either color?

- Don

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