Heikki Levanto wrote:
On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:36:09PM -0500, Michael Williams wrote:
I have not tried it myself, but I'm guessing it will not improve your
engine. The cost of testing for simple ko is negligible and allowing it
will probably prolong the playouts.
I am not far enough with my engine to test yet, but my guess is that allowing
a simple ko can lead to pretty long endgames, if the ko has the only playable
moves left. It sounds that some sort of way to detect that would be good.
If we only test for a simple ko, it is possible to get into an endgame with
two kos on board, repeating for ever.
My own experience when experimenting with random playouts were that
without ko checking at all, around 30% of games ended in infinite loop
with both sides having one (non-eye-filling) move possible, to retake
the ko.
With simple ko checking, around 3% of games ended in infinite loop with
double ko.
As long as you have some cheap way (beyond doing ko checking) of getting
out of the infinite loop, either might be preferable.
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