Are you playing on CGOS?     Did you actually build your own GUI for this?

I don't want people playing on CGOS as a general rule except under
controlled circumstance for this purpose,  but not just for fun.

I discovered that it's easy to use gtpadapter from gogui and play on
CGOS.   The only problem is that you have to be very careful to avoid
illegal moves such as KO and suicide.     Probably a good player would
rarely do this but I played 2 or 3 games (not taking them seriously) and
forfeited due to playing quickly without checking around.  

- Don

Christoph Birk wrote:
> It looks like my (3k AGA) CGOS rating (tast-3k) is converging around
> 2000 ELO. That gives us a zero-point but we need at least one more
> rated player (better more) to get the scale.
> If you would like to use my GUI please contact me by private email
> at ccbirk at gmail dot com.
> Christoph
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