Christoph Birk wrote:
On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Christoph Birk wrote:
On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Don Dailey wrote:
It would be awkward at best. I could build a client to do this, but
the human would have to be willing to sit and play games at the moment
they were scheduled.
You are right ... it's very awkward. I lost one game by typo
and another by time.
I added a simple GUI to my program to play on CGOS ...
but I am not doing very well :-(
Any (dan) volunteer(s) ?
computer-go mailing list
I noticed handtalk on CGOS. Does anybody knows if it is the Chinese
program ? I thought it may be a human player, because it does not play
so many games in a row, and appeared when we talked about gtpdisplay. If
it is really the Chinese HandTalk program, then it is stronger than I
would have expected of a classical program.
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