At this point, it has to be said that _all_ computer go programs suck at 19xc19
go. MC programs happen to suck less, especially on small boards.
On the other hand, we do have some very strong special-purpose go programs.
There are several very strong tsumego/life-and-death programs and at least one
endgame program. There are some fairly strong fuseki predictors.
I'm hoping the goal is to develop programs strong enough to play a credible
game against dan-level humans on a 19x19 board. If we ever figure out how to
merge the great strengths of UCT/MC with these other strengths, we'd be a good
bit closer.
If a program is able able to learn from examples and experience. I'd feed it a
library of go problems, and keep training until the right line of play, and the
refutations of bad play, are quickly and reliably found for hundreds or
thousands of games. Often, there is one right line of play, and very many bad
lines. <Hugh Grant>Important to know the difference. </Hugh Grant>
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