original eye method = 407 ELO
alt eye method #1   = 583 ELO
alt eye method #2   = 518 ELO

While both alternate methods are probably better than the original, I'm not
convinced there's a significant difference between the two alternate
methods.  The cross-tables for both are fairly close and could be luck of
the draw (and even which weak bots were on at the time).  I put raw numbers
below.  Since I made one other change when doing the alt eye method, I
should rerun the original with that other change as well (how I end random
playouts and score them to allow for other eye definitions).

While I think the alternate eye definitions helped, I don't think they
accounted for more than 100-200 ELO

vs ego110_allfirst
orig= 33/46 = 71%
#1 =  17/20 = 85%
#2 =  16/18 = 89%

vs gotraxx-1.4.2a
#1 = 2/8   = 25%
#2 = 3/19 = 16%

On 9/17/07, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/17/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Another way to test this, to see if this is your problem,  is for ME to
> > implement YOUR eye definition and see if/how much it hurts AnchorMan.
> >
> > I'm pretty much swamped with work today - but I may give this a try at
> > some point.
> >
> I'd be interested in seeing that.  It looks like my first hack at an
> alternate eye implementation bought my AMAF version about 150 ELO (not
> tested with anything else).  Of course, what I did isn't what others are
> using.  I'll do another "alteye" version either today or tomorrow.  It may
> be possible that some of my 150 was because I changed the lengths of the
> random playouts.
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