It is possible that  Your uniform playout part is a lot more efficient
than UCT part, because
of costly move choosing procedure (loop).

On last Computer and Games conference I and Jakub Pawlewicz published an
article describing 1+epsilon trick that increases efficiency of
proof-number search.
It also applicable to UCT. I believe that UCT with epsilon trick may
be as efficient as the rest of the playout.

I will put the article on my homepage in few days.

Best Regards

On 1/10/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just add a new child only when parent is visited more times than X.

I'm testing this very idea with UCT.   I'm testing 3 versions right
now where X is different in each version.  I'm testing 5, 10 and 100.

I've always used a higher value than 1 but never thoroughly checked
this out.   In my tests,  X=5 is winning but there are not enough
games to be statistically convincing.   I'm running at long
time controls so that the answer I get is representative.

The interesting thing is that it can do a lot more play-outs when
when X is high,  although it is less strong.  I need to understand

Based on the paltry data I have now it's a mistake to use X that
is very high.

 Rating  Win perc  Tot Gms  Ave Time  Player
-------  --------  -------  --------  ------
 2105.4    58.065       31    1035.9  laz005
 2055.1    50.000       44     881.9  laz010
 2000.0    41.379       29     633.4  laz100

Black wins:       29      55.8 %
White wins:       23      44.2 %

On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 12:05 +0100, Łukasz Lew wrote:
> Just add a new child only when parent is visited more times than X.
> You will loose only a minimal amount of information.
> Hope this helps :)
> Lukasz
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