This is a mess.   I'll need to make a decision soon as I'm already 
testing the 19x19 server - getting some baseline data so that I
can then estimate the proper handicap assignments.   

I don't know if this will be an issue for many programs,  but the
Monte Carlo programs will have to figure it correctly or they will

Personally,  I like the simple SST/New Zealand approach - no special
compensation.   It's more of a WYSIWYG approach.

Magnus suggests using compensation to make it more KGS compatible.

But we are not trying to keep the handicap traditional, we are actually
going to let the games and the results determine handicap and use
ELO.   So there is no argument for keeping it Japanese compatible.

I'll take a final poll - speak now or forever hold your peace!

Should we:

  1.  Give white N-1 stones at end of game.  (where N = handicap)
  2.  Give white N stones at end of game.  (N = handicap)
  3.  Give white N stones except handicap 1 case.
  4.  Not worry about giving white anything but the appropriate
      handicap stones.

Option 4 seems a lot cleaner and is WYSIWYG at end of game along
with komi of course.

- Don

On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 13:56 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote:
> Here's John Tromp's reply: he does not specify compensation for
> handicap stones - but leaves wiggle room for the players to choose
> such komi as they wish. 
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: John Tromp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 4:25:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Compensation for handicap plays?
> dear Terry,
> On 12/22/06, terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I've been following the discussion on the Computer Go list,
>         where the question of implementing handicaps on the CGOS
>         server has arisen.
>         My reading of your Tromp-Taylor rules suggests that, when
>         black has a handicap of n stones, no compensation is given to
>         white.
> In my rules a handicap of n stones only means that white passes her
> first
> n-1 turns. It does not have any implications for komi, which can still
> be freely chosen.
>         Some other systems do compensate white.
> discusses the
>         topic.
>  I must admit that I find the adjustment of komi as used in chinese
> and AGA rules 
> rather ugly and prefer the SST and New Zealand approach to simply make
> the
> value of handicap stones a little larger.
> regards,
> -John
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