Only 28 bytes? What's in your nodes? That doesn't seem like enough room for 82 pointers to children. If you don't have pointers to children, how do you find the children's statistics for UCT? Play each move and examine the resulting hash code?

Peter Drake
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Lewis & Clark College

On Dec 6, 2006, at 2:04 AM, Magnus Persson wrote:

Quoting Chrilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Maybe there is a logical flaw in my calculation. In this case it would be nice if one of the UCT-programmers explains were all this memory is used.

Valkyria currently preallocate 2 million records for the nodes of 28 bytes each which is about 50 MB. I could allocate more memory than that but at some point I had a problem with severe memory thrashing (*) so I decided to try using as little as possible. I also only have access to computer with are a
little outdated.

I think the huge factor here is that for every terminal node reached I add all children for that node, although only one of them is actually played. The reason is that then there is a lot of code (pattern matching) that thus only have to run once. I used to to only expand nodes that were selected to be played, but the overhead of the recomputing stuff and some nightmare bugs, made me sacrifice memory for simplicity and a 30% speedup. With old code I had no memory problems as you correctly predicted although my numbers differs
somewhat from what you assumed.

When I run out of nodes I simply delete all subtrees that has been visited less
times than a threshold.


I just ran a test having it think for one hour on the empty 9x9 board.
It played on average 2500 simulations per second, but added 30000
Nodes/second. This means that it fills memory in one minute. This is not an accident of course I designed it such that it should never need garbage collection the first minute it thinks. It played 222000 moves per second
including all overhead.

The principle variation was 7 ply deep. And here I limit the depth to nodes which has been visited at least 2000 times, the UCT tree goes much deeper than that but with this restricition the moves in the principle variation is always

The second best variation was searchd to 5 ply, and the remaining 4 was searched to 3 ply. Thanks to symmetry pruning Valkyria only searches 6 moves in the
opening position.

The first time garbage collection was done 1.9 Mnodes were freed which is close to 100%, so most of the initial tree is really unimportant nodes. The last time it freed only 0.7 MNodes which means that more than half of the nodes is actually is used for nodes that I do not dare to prune. I guess if I allocate 5 times more memory then I could play up to 10 hours without a serious problem but after 20 hours perhaps the program would do garbage collection all the time.


(*) In reality it turned out that my laptop easily overheats and shuts down all systems that generated heat, so I can probably allocate 5-10 times more
memory without problems on my machines.
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