On 10/11/06, steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i'm wondering about perfect 19x19 game strategy
(about which i assume not much is known).
as white, mirror black until black plays
inefficiently, ....
As someone pointed out before, the crux lies in defining
"inefficient". Without constraining the definition of words to point
to a reasonable implementation, I can present an even simpler winning
strategy (given proper komi):
as white or black, always play "the best move"
one can replace the quoted part with
the most efficient move
any move that still guarantees a win
IMHO, mirror go is appealing because it lures us into hoping that it
would be easier to recognize the opponent's inefficient moves than to
play the most efficient ones ourselves. The problem lies in the detail
that recognizing inefficiency isn't enough - one has to provide the
correct refutation also, and that is far from trivial.
Regarding tengen, I remember reading Takemiya Masaki 9d making the
following analogy (from memory):
We do know how to build houses, and we do that from ground up. In the
same way, when playing go we build territory from 3rd and 4th line up.
But what if we were birds, used to fly freely in the skies? Would we
then know how to play in the center from the start?
best regards,
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