If you follow that mirror strategy as white, you are probably screwed
whenever black plays tengen -- because you can't mirror it and it
might have threatened many of your groups.

On 10/11/06, steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i'm wondering about perfect 19x19 game strategy
(about which i assume not much is known).

here's what i'm thinking.

as white, mirror black until black plays
inefficiently, then play to take advantage
of that inefficiency.  (so if the first move
by black is inefficent, there will be no mirror).

as black, being mirrored, play tengen as soon as
it is the best move on the board.  (i have a sense
that tengen as first move won't pop out as best
opening move for ideal play, but who knows?)

are there any theoretical reasons to believe
that it won't look like this?  any practical
reasons?  i.e. has anyone seen tengen openings
in pro games?  i've seen them in high-level amateur
dan games, but don't know if it's just people
screwing around or if it has any legitimacy.  same
question applies to mirroring.  just curious,


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