> > Results: (number of win/number of games with MoGo playing black, then > > with MoGo playing white, then percentage over all the games). > > * Choosing the move with the highest value: 338/425(b),352/425(w) > > (81.2%/850) * Choosing the move with the highest (value-(standard > > deviation)/sqrt(simulations)): 332/400(b),326/400(w) (82.2%/800) > > * Choosing the move with the highest number of simulations: > > 322/400(b),341/400 (w) (82.9%/800) > > Correct me if i'm wrong. > UCT explores move m with a highest > avg_m + c* sqrt ( n / log (n_m) ) no it is: avg_m + c* sqrt ( log(n) / n_m)
> so those values are kept almost at the same level. > n is the same for all siblings, so a child with a highest avg_m has > also highest n_m. Almost yes, but the point is that as the tree grows, the problem is no more stationary, so a move can become very bad because you found the refutation, and not found yet the refutation of another move. So the better is not always the most visited. Sometimes you can make a bad choosing the move with the highest value. This is why Don said that it is good to give more time if the move with the highest value is not the most visited. > BTW have someone tried to remove log from the equation? We've tried modifing the parameters, replacing log(n) by n^alpha, and replacing sqrt(.) by (.)^beta, with no significant results. But of course we tested inside a limited choice of parameters :). _______________________________________________ computer-go mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/