Stephanie0002 opened a new pull request, #8212:

   <!-- Please make sure the target branch is right. In most case, the target 
branch should be `develop`. -->
   ### Which Issue(s) This PR Fixes
   <!-- Please ensure that the related issue has already been created, and 
[link this pull request to that issue using 
 to ensure automatic closure. -->
   Fixes #8211 
   ### Brief Description
   <!-- Write a brief description for your pull request to help the maintainer 
understand the reasons behind your changes. -->
   Add two metrics rocketmq_create_topic_time and 
rocketmq_create_subscription_time as following: 
   | Type      | Name                                   | Unit        | 
                                                | Label                         
   | --------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- 
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
   | histogram | rocketmq_create_topic_time             | millisecond | The 
topic creation time: <br />le_10_ms<br />le_100_ms<br />le_1_s<br />le_3_s<br 
/>le_5_s<br />le_overflow                                                       
node_id,request_is_success,is_system                            |
   | histogram | rocketmq_create_subscription_time      | millisecond | The 
subscription group creation time: <br />le_10_ms<br />le_100_ms<br />le_1_s<br 
/>le_3_s<br />le_5_s<br />le_overflow                                           
                                             | node_id,request_is_success       
   ### How Did You Test This Change?
   <!-- In order to ensure the code quality of Apache RocketMQ, we expect every 
pull request to have undergone thorough testing. -->
   Simplified Testing Strategy
   1. Modify the `metricsExporterType` within the `brokerConfig` to `PROM`, 
which will export data in Prometheus format.
   private MetricsExporterType metricsExporterType = MetricsExporterType.PROM;
   private int metricsPromExporterPort = 5557;
   private String metricsPromExporterHost = "";
   2. Initiate both the broker and nameserver processes.
   3. Execute the following command in the local terminal: `curl 
localhost:<export_port>` (default is `5557`), then verify that the output 
metrics align with expectations.

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