Stephanie0002 opened a new issue, #8211:

   ### Is Your Feature Request Related to a Problem?
   The existing observable system of this project lacks broker-side monitoring 
of the creation time of topic and subscription group.
   ### Describe the Solution You'd Like
   Add two metrics rocketmq_create_topic_time and 
rocketmq_create_subscription_time as following: 
   | Type      | Name                                   | Unit        | 
                                                | Label                         
   | --------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- 
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
   | histogram | rocketmq_create_topic_time             | millisecond | The 
topic creation time: <br />le_10_ms<br />le_100_ms<br />le_1_s<br />le_3_s<br 
/>le_5_s<br />le_overflow                                                       
node_id,request_is_success,is_system                            |
   | histogram | rocketmq_create_subscription_time      | millisecond | The 
subscription group creation time: <br />le_10_ms<br />le_100_ms<br />le_1_s<br 
/>le_3_s<br />le_5_s<br />le_overflow                                           
                                             | node_id,request_is_success       
   ### Describe Alternatives You've Considered
   1. Plan to utilize histogram-type metrics and counter-type metrics.
       Histogram: A metric type that illustrates the frequency distribution of 
monitored data points through sampling.
   2. Add metric variables within the `BrokerMetricsManager` class: 
`createTopicTime` and `createSubscriptionTime`.
   3. Incorporate corresponding constants in the `BrokerMetricsConstant` class.
      a. Specifically, introduce the `LABEL_REQUEST_IS_SUCCESS` constant to 
denote the success of topic creation requests.
   4. Construct the respective metrics within the `initRequestMetrics` method 
of the `BrokerMetricsManager` class.
   5. Update these metrics in the topic creation function and subscription 
creation function of the `AdminBrokerProcessor` class.
   6. Configure buckets
   ### Additional Context
   _No response_

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