Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: AOO 4.x - Logo Explorations 

Change Comment:
Added a second logo proposal for Apache OpenOffice 4.

Edited by Michael Acevedo:
h2. *Creative Brief*

How might we update or enhance our product visual identifier/logo to best 
reflect our brand?

h2. Brand Attributes

The Apache OpenOffice brand reflects the following attributes:

* global
* open
* transparent
* accessible
* clean
* strong
* leader
* approachable
* innovative
* modern
* sharp
* usable
* lightweight

h2. Visual Elements

The following visual elements are associate with the Apache OpenOffice products:
* globe, orb, circle
* document, page, square, rectangle
* transparent materials
* letter O & O
* apache feather
* gulls, page curls
* document, book, booklet

h2. Brainstorming

No wrong answers here, just a collection of sketches realizing the visual 

h5. Kevin Grignon - Concepts

!Concept 03 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 04 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 05 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 06 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 07 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 08 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concpet 09 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

!Concept 09 - Medium Fidelity.png|thumbnail,border=1!
- docs
- transparent

!Concpet 10 - Sketch.JPG|thumbnail,border=1!

h5. Lucas Filho  - Concepts


*Graham Lauder* \-  *Graphical Text for Logo text*

This is another example of a text graphic created in inkscape used instead of 
some type of typeface.  It's a San Serif type font and can be modified as 
an svg. !OpenOfficeText.png|border=1!
PNG version: !OOLogoText.png|border=1!

h6. Michael Acevedo - Concept Logo for AOO 4 Proposal #1 (12-15-2012)

This logo proposal changes makes use of a new font and logo scheme to present 
the word OpenOffice by updating the orb as a flat surface and placing a "donut" 
hole (which represents the open nature of AOO as an open source project) in the 
orb along with our trademark gulls effectively making it an "O" which anchors 
the words "Open" and "Office" but with the use of a single "O". The logo also 
makes use of a new typeface.

 !AOO 4 LOGO.jpg|border=1,height=300!

{color:#000000}{*}Michael Acevedo - Concept Logo for AOO 4 Proposal #1 

The second logo proposal for Apache OpenOffice 4 is more conservative, 
conventional, and simplistic than the previous logo proposal; which makes the 
new open office logo more recognizable among the community. The new logo 
proposal makes use of an updated OpenOffice orb which now rests on four squares 
that represents the four main applications associated with an office suite 
(Blue= Writer, Green= Calc, Orange= Impress, and Violet= Base). In addition the 
orb now is surrounded by a white belvel emboss ring that makes the logo look 
more like a pin and actually makes it stand out of the four background squares. 
!AOO 4 LOGO v2-5 Small copy.jpg|border=1!

h2. Notes

- consider a logo content, as seen in Flex
- Apache OpenOffice is a continuation of, consider retaining 
aspects of previous OpenOffice logo for continuity
- consider including Apache in logo

h2. Test

Sample document attachment: [^sample_document.odt]

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