yangzhg commented on a change in pull request #4212:
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-doris/pull/4212#discussion_r471994484

File path: be/src/olap/cumulative_compaction_policy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include "olap/utils.h"
+#include "olap/tablet.h"
+#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
+#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta.h"
+#include "olap/rowset/rowset.h"
+namespace doris {
+class Tablet;
+/// This CompactionPolicyType enum is used to represent the type of compaction 
+/// Now it has two values, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY and 
+/// CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY means current compaction policy implemented by 
num based policy.
+/// CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY means current comapction policy implemented 
by size_based policy.
+enum CompactionPolicyType {
+const static std::string CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY_TYPE = "NUM_BASED";
+/// This class CumulativeCompactionPolicy is the base class of cumulative 
compaction policy.
+/// It defines the policy to do cumulative compaction. It has different 
derived classes, which implements 
+/// concrete cumulative compaction algorithm. The policy is configured by 
+/// The policy functions is the main steps to do cumulative compaction. For 
example, how to pick candicate 
+/// rowsets from tablet using current policy, how to calculate the cumulative 
point and how to calculate
+/// the tablet cumulative compcation score and so on.
+class CumulativeCompactionPolicy {
+    /// Constructor function of CumulativeCompactionPolicy, 
+    /// it needs tablet pointer to access tablet method. 
+    /// param tablet, the shared pointer of tablet
+    CumulativeCompactionPolicy(std::shared_ptr<Tablet> tablet) : 
+    /// Destructor function of CumulativeCompactionPolicy.
+    virtual ~CumulativeCompactionPolicy() {}
+    /// Calculate the cumulative compaction score of the tablet. This function 
uses rowsets meta and current 
+    /// cumulative point to calculative the score of tablet. The score depends 
on the concrete algorithm of policy.
+    /// In general, the score represents the segments nums to do cumulative 
compaction in total rowsets. The more
+    /// score tablet gets, the earlier it can do  cumulative compaction.
+    /// param all_rowsets, all rowsets in tablet.
+    /// param current_cumulative_point, current cumulative point value.
+    /// return score, the result score after calculate.
+    virtual void calc_cumulative_compaction_score(
+            const std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& all_rowsets, int64_t 
+            uint32_t* score) = 0;
+    /// This function implements the policy which represents how to pick the 
candicate rowsets for compaction. 
+    /// This base class gives a unified implementation. Its derived classes 
also can override this function each other.
+    /// param skip_window_sec, it means skipping the rowsets which use create 
time plus skip_window_sec is greater than now.
+    /// param rs_version_map, mapping from version to rowset
+    /// param cumulative_point,  current cumulative point of tablet
+    /// return candidate_rowsets, the container of candidate rowsets 
+    virtual void pick_candicate_rowsets(
+            int64_t skip_window_sec,
+            const std::unordered_map<Version, RowsetSharedPtr, HashOfVersion>& 
+            int64_t cumulative_point, std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>* 
+    /// Pick input rowsets from candidate rowsets for compaction. This 
function is pure virtual function. 
+    /// Its implemention depands on concrete compaction policy.
+    /// param candidate_rowsets, the candidate_rowsets vector container to 
pick input rowsets
+    /// return input_rowsets, the vector container as return
+    /// return last_delete_version, if has delete rowset, record the delete 
version from input_rowsets
+    /// return compaction_score, calculate the compaction score of picked 
input rowset
+    virtual int pick_input_rowsets(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                                    const int64_t max_compaction_score,
+                                    const int64_t min_compaction_score,
+                                    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>* 
+                                    Version* last_delete_version, size_t* 
compaction_score) = 0;
+    /// Update tablet's cumulative point after cumulative compaction finished. 
This function is pure virtual function.
+    /// Each derived has its own update policy which deponds on its concrete 
algorithm. When the cumulative point moves 
+    /// after output rowset, then output rowset will do base compaction next 
+    /// param input_rowsets, the picked input rowset to do compaction just now
+    /// param output_rowset, the result rowset after compaction
+    virtual void update_cumulative_point(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                                         RowsetSharedPtr output_rowset,
+                                         Version& last_delete_version) = 0;
+    /// Calculate tablet's cumulatvie point before compaction. This 
calculation just executes once when the tablet compacts
+    /// first time after BE initialization and then motion of cumulatvie point 
depends on update_cumulative_point policy.
+    /// This function is pure virtual function. In genaral, the cumulative 
point splits the rowsets into two parts:
+    /// base rowsets, cumulative rowsets.
+    /// param all_rowsets, all rowsets in the tablet
+    /// param current_cumulative_point, current cumulative position
+    /// return cumulative_point, the result of calculating cumulative point 
+    virtual void calculate_cumulative_point(const 
std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& all_rowsets,
+                                            int64_t current_cumulative_point,
+                                            int64_t* cumulative_point) = 0;
+    /// tablet pointer
+    std::shared_ptr<Tablet> _tablet;
+/// Num based cumulative compcation policy implemention. Num based policy 
which derives CumulativeCompactionPolicy is early 
+/// basic algorithm. This policy uses linear structure to compact rowsets. The 
cumulative rowsets compact only once and 
+/// then the output will do base compaction. It can make segments of rowsets 
in order and compact small rowsets to a bigger one.
+class NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy final : public 
CumulativeCompactionPolicy {
+    /// Constructor function of NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, 
+    /// it needs tablet pointer to access tablet method. 
+    /// param tablet, the shared pointer of tablet
+    NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy(std::shared_ptr<Tablet> tablet)
+            : CumulativeCompactionPolicy(tablet){}
+    /// Destructor function of NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy.
+    ~NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy() {}
+    /// Num based cumulative compaction policy implements pick input rowsets 
+    /// Its main policy is picking rowsets from candidate rowsets by comparing 
accumulative compaction_score and
+    /// max_cumulative_compaction_num_singleton_deltas or checking whether 
there is delete version rowset.
+    int pick_input_rowsets(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                            const int64_t max_compaction_score,
+                            const int64_t min_compaction_score,
+                            std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>* input_rowsets,
+                            Version* last_delete_version, size_t* 
compaction_score) override;
+    /// Num based cumulative compaction policy implements update cumulative 
point function.
+    /// Its main policy is using the last input version to update the 
cumulative point. It aims that every rowsets only 
+    /// do compact once.
+    void update_cumulative_point(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                                 RowsetSharedPtr _output_rowset,
+                                 Version& last_delete_version) override;
+    /// Num based cumulative compaction policy implements calculate cumulative 
point function.
+    /// When the first time the tablet does compact, this calculation is 
executed. Its main policy is to find first rowset
+    /// which is segments_overlapping type, it represent this rowset is not 
compacted and use this version as cumulative point. 
+    void calculate_cumulative_point(const std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& 
+                                     int64_t current_cumulative_point,
+                                     int64_t* cumulative_point) override;
+    /// Num based cumulative compaction policy implements calc cumulative 
compaction score function.
+    /// Its main policy is calculating the accumulative compaction score after 
current cumulative_point in tablet.
+    void calc_cumulative_compaction_score(const 
std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& all_rowsets,
+                                          int64_t current_cumulative_point,
+                                          uint32_t* score) override;
+/// SizeBased cumulative compcation policy implemention. SizeBased policy 
which derives CumulativeCompactionPolicy is a optimized
+/// version of num based cumulative compaction policy. This policy also uses 
linear structure to compact rowsets. The cumulative rowsets 
+/// can do compaction when they are in same level size. And when output rowset 
exceeds the promotion radio of base size or min promotion
+/// size, it will do base compaction. This policy is targeting the use cases 
requiring lower write amplification, trading off read 
+/// amplification and space amplification.
+class SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy final : public 
CumulativeCompactionPolicy {
+    /// Constructor function of SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, 
+    /// it needs tablet pointer to access tablet method.
+    /// param tablet, the shared pointer of tablet 
+    SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy(
+            std::shared_ptr<Tablet> tablet,
+            int64_t size_based_promotion_size =
config::cumulative_compaction_size_based_promotion_size_mbytes * 1024 * 1024,
+            double size_based_promotion_ratio =
+                    config::cumulative_compaction_size_based_promotion_ratio,
+            int64_t size_based_promotion_min_size =
config::cumulative_compaction_size_based_promotion_min_size_mbytes * 1024 * 
+            int64_t size_based_compaction_lower_bound_size =
config::cumulative_compaction_size_based_compaction_lower_bound_size_mbytes * 
1024 * 1024);
+    /// Destructor function of SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy.
+    ~SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy() {}
+    /// SizeBased cumulative compaction policy implements calculate cumulative 
point function.
+    /// When the first time the tablet does compact, this calculation is 
executed. Its main policy is to find first rowset
+    /// which does not satifie the promotion conditions. 
+    void calculate_cumulative_point(const std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& 
+                                    int64_t current_cumulative_point,
+                                    int64_t* cumulative_point) override;
+    /// SizeBased cumulative compaction policy implements pick input rowsets 
+    /// Its main policy is picking rowsets from candidate rowsets by comparing 
accumulative compaction_score,
+    /// max_cumulative_compaction_num_singleton_deltas or checking whether 
there is delete version rowset,
+    /// and choose those rowset in the same level to do cumulative compaction.
+    int pick_input_rowsets(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                            const int64_t max_compaction_score,
+                            const int64_t min_compaction_score,
+                            std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>* input_rowsets,
+                            Version* last_delete_version, size_t* 
compaction_score) override;
+    /// SizeBased cumulative compaction policy implements update cumulative 
point function.
+    /// Its main policy is judging the output rowset size whether satifies the 
promotion size.
+    /// If it satified, this policy will update the cumulative point.
+    void update_cumulative_point(const std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr>& 
+                                 RowsetSharedPtr _output_rowset, Version& 
+    /// Num based cumulative compaction policy implements calc cumulative 
compaction score function.
+    /// Its main policy is calculating the accumulative compaction score after 
current cumulative_point in tablet.
+    void calc_cumulative_compaction_score(const 
std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>& all_rowsets,
+                                          int64_t current_cumulative_point,
+                                          uint32_t* score) override;
+    /// calculate promotion size using current base rowset meta size and 
promition configs
+    void _calc_promotion_size(RowsetMetaSharedPtr base_rowset_meta, int64_t* 
+    /// calculate the disk size belong to which level, the level is divide by 
power of 2
+    /// between cumulative_compaction_size_based_promotion_min_size_mbytes
+    /// and cumulative_compaction_size_based_promotion_size_mbytes
+    int _level_size(const int64_t size);
+    /// when policy calcalute cumulative_compaction_score, update promotion 
size at the same time
+    void _refresh_tablet_size_based_promotion_size(int64_t promotion_size);
+    /// cumulative compaction promotion size, unit is byte.
+    int64_t _size_based_promotion_size;
+    /// cumulative compaction promotion ratio of base rowset total disk size.
+    double _size_based_promotion_ratio;
+    /// cumulative compaction promotion min size, unit is byte.
+    int64_t _size_based_promotion_min_size;
+    /// lower bound size to do compaction compaction.
+    int64_t _size_based_compaction_lower_bound_size;
+    /// record tablet promotion size, it is updated each time when calculate 
+    int64_t _tablet_size_based_promotion_size;
+    /// levels division of disk size, same level rowsets can do compaction
+    std::vector<int64_t> _levels;
+/// The factory of CumulativeCompactionPolicy, it can product diffrent policy 
according to the `policy` parameter.
+class CumulativeCompactionPolicyFactory {
+    /// Static factory function. It can product diffrent policy according to 
the `policy` parameter and use tablet ptr 
+    /// to construct the policy. Now it can product size based and num based 
+    static std::unique_ptr<CumulativeCompactionPolicy> 
+            std::string policy, std::shared_ptr<Tablet> tablet);
+    /// It is a static function to help to check the policy config and convert 
to CompactionPolicyType enum variable
+    static void _parse_cumulative_compaction_policy(std::string policy,
+                                                    CompactionPolicyType* 

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