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dahn pushed a commit to branch main
in repository

commit 98f5663954199e6658530b544a394296ad223e1c
Merge: 81e052cfebf 34d2a3bc86d
Author: Daan Hoogland <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 24 17:10:43 2025 +0100

    Merge branch '4.20'

 agent/conf/                        |   1 +
 .../cloud/agent/properties/    |   1 +
 .../api/response/     | 447 +--------------------
 .../com/cloud/agent/manager/  |  38 +-
 packaging/el8/cloud.spec                           |   5 +-
 .../kvm/resource/     |  19 +-
 .../hypervisor/kvm/resource/      |   6 +-
 .../    |  60 ++-
 .../kvm/resource/ |   5 +-
 .../hypervisor/kvm/resource/  |  11 +
 .../cluster/      |   2 +-
 .../com/cloud/api/query/dao/   | 122 +-----
 .../java/com/cloud/storage/ |  16 +-
 ui/public/locales/en.json                          |   2 +
 ui/src/components/view/ListView.vue                |   7 +
 ui/src/components/view/SearchView.vue              |  46 +--
 ui/src/components/widgets/Status.vue               |   2 +
 ui/src/config/section/network.js                   | 125 +-----
 ui/src/views/AutogenView.vue                       |   3 +
 ui/src/views/dashboard/CapacityDashboard.vue       |  29 +-
 ui/src/views/network/AclListRulesTab.vue           |   2 +-
 ui/src/views/network/VpcTiersTab.vue               |   2 +-
 22 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 746 deletions(-)

diff --cc ui/src/components/view/SearchView.vue
index a32a0d1ecb5,3bd7ad5ef68..dc0a1280b96
--- a/ui/src/components/view/SearchView.vue
+++ b/ui/src/components/view/SearchView.vue
@@@ -304,10 -311,12 +311,10 @@@ export default 
          if (item === 'isencrypted' && !('listVolumes' in 
this.$store.getters.apis)) {
            return true
 -        if (item === 'displaynetwork' && 
this.$store.getters.userInfo.roletype !== 'Admin') {
 -          return true
 -        }
          if (['zoneid', 'domainid', 'imagestoreid', 'storageid', 'state', 
'account', 'hypervisor', 'level',
            'clusterid', 'podid', 'groupid', 'entitytype', 'accounttype', 
'systemvmtype', 'scope', 'provider',
 -          'type', 'scope', 'managementserverid', 'serviceofferingid', 
'diskofferingid', 'networkid', 'usagetype', 'restartrequired', 
 +          'type', 'scope', 'managementserverid', 'serviceofferingid', 
'diskofferingid', 'networkid',
-           'usagetype', 'restartrequired', 'guestiptype', 
++          'usagetype', 'restartrequired', 'displaynetwork', 'guestiptype', 
          ) {
            type = 'list'
          } else if (item === 'tags') {
@@@ -329,9 -338,15 +336,15 @@@
        return arrayField
      fetchStaticFieldData (arrayField) {
+       if (arrayField.includes('displaynetwork')) {
+         const typeIndex = this.fields.findIndex(item => === 
+         this.fields[typeIndex].loading = true
+         this.fields[typeIndex].opts = this.fetchBoolean()
+         this.fields[typeIndex].loading = false
+       }
 -      if (arrayField.includes('type')) {
 -        if (this.$route.path === '/guestnetwork' || 
this.$route.path.includes('/guestnetwork/')) {
 -          const typeIndex = this.fields.findIndex(item => === 
 +      if (arrayField.includes('type') || arrayField.includes('guestiptype')) {
 +        if (this.$route.path.includes('/guestnetwork') || 
this.$route.path.includes('/networkoffering')) {
 +          const typeIndex = this.fields.findIndex(item => ['type', 
            this.fields[typeIndex].loading = true
            this.fields[typeIndex].opts = this.fetchGuestNetworkTypes()
            this.fields[typeIndex].loading = false

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