Looking for some input on my non starting Universal / Westerbeke diesel 5416 on my 1980 C& C 34. It was running great at the end of last year but no go from the start this year.
It turns over great but no sounds of combustion. Battery is brand new. Oil and transmission fluids are at proper levels and fresh. It sounds like the glow plugs are working because the blower changes pitch with the increased current draw. Fuel looks good, checked pickup for debris, changed fuel filter, bled lines. I did have some electrical work done at the wiring harness but I don’t think that would affect it. I am thinking either I need to look at the injectors and injector pump or I need to do a compression test. I’ve read about both in online forums but haven’t had the “opportunity” to dig this far into engine troubles. Any input from the group on other diagnostic tests or possible sources of the issue? Thanks in advance. TODD Indigo Out We Go 1980 C&C 34 Saco, ME
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