That does sound like a challenging project Matt. Interesting that your mast
step bent - my casting cracked in two around the keel bolt.  However I
don't have the stringer setup you do - it looks like it is just solid
fiberglass with filler under the mast on my 34.

Not the same part but I just designed a replacement mast step for my C&C 34
and had it machined from 6061 T6 aluminum by xometry. Photo of finished
part:  It was about $700
including shipping (made in the US) which wasn't too bad as a one-off.  The
design is here in on-shape if anyone wants to copy it:

It is based closely on the original casting dimensions but designed so that
it will not collect water anywhere. I figure out of 6061 it will be
stronger than the original casting (which had cracked) and should last
another 40+ years if I bed it properly with filled epoxy so that it doesn't
have large bending loads applied.


Nathan Post
S/V Wisper
1981 C&C34 KCB
Portland ME
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