My old Catalina had an A4. We had a similar issue to the stalling issue, the problem turned out to be a small crack in the distributor rotor. As it would heat up, the rotor would deform and no longer make good contact with the points. I was happy to move to diesel when I upgraded to my C&C!
Jim Reinardy C&C 30-2 “Firewater” Milwaukee, WI On Jun 13, 2023, at 6:07 AM, Neil Gallagher via CnC-List <> wrote:
I have had two similar issues with A4:
1. Coil overheats: shuts engine down after running heavily for hour
or so, then restarts normally after sitting for half hour. Moved
the coil off the engine, has never happened since.
2. Sudden and complete shut down while running normally: found that
one of the round contact terminals on the points had broken off.
Your second issue sounds more like something slipping in the
transmission, though A4's are not know for that problem. Cavitation
would be more likely related to plunging in to a wave or some sudden
increase in load on the prop.
Neil Gallagher
Weatherly, 35-1
Glen Cove, NY
On 6/13/2023 1:42 AM, Karl Kuzis via
CnC-List wrote:
Since we are on stories of oddness I have 2.
First, when cruising along at modest rpm, will
have a sudden shut down. Just off. No change in sound, smell,
rpm, etc just as if ignition switch cut out. Suspecting a
loose connection I proofed all wires / connections and we'll
test it out cruising around next week. Any odd ideas to keep
in mind?
Second, episodically when motoring at higher rpm
close to hull speed will have a sudden racing of the engine
with loss of power. Pull back throttle, and goes back to
normal but not unusual to reoccur. Haven't noticed it at lower
speed or rpm.
I'm suspicious of cavitation but haven't thought
it thru as to causes, tests of theory, remedies or other
options. Thoughts?
C&C 29 Mark 1 with a recently rebuilt Atomic
4 and 2 bade folding prop.
Karl Kuzis
C&C Mk1
Scary stuff. Frustrating when
"professionals" muck things up.
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