Clogged fuel line.  I once had "jello" in my fuel line at a bend after s long 
lay up.  Recommend blowing the line clear with compressed air.

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From: Edd Schillay via CnC-List <>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 7:57:01 AM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Edd Schillay <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Engine strangeness


My thinking is it’s not water, as once it stopped, it probably wouldn’t start 
again until it was cleaned out. Nevertheless, check the filter and bleed the 
injectors if needed.

It could be air, so try your bleed points and get the bubbles out.

As someone mentioned, there could be some crud in the line somewhere that 
eventually blocks the fuel and then backs off so you can start again.

My money is on crud in the lines somewhere. Maybe your primary filter needs 

All the best,


Edd M. Schillay
Captain of the “Starship Enterprise”
Bayliner 3788 | NCC-1701-C
Venice Yacht Club | Venice Island, FL
914.774.9767   |    Mobile
Sent via iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone. iTypos. iApologize

On Jun 9, 2023, at 10:23 AM, David Knecht via CnC-List <> 

I am out for the first time this season. Engine started right up. Motored out 
of harbor for two hours. Turned engine off for a while waiting for wind. 
Started back up. Ran for 15-30 sec and died. Started up and ran for a bit 
longer then died. Pulled bed to get access and fuel pressure and level in racor 
look fine. Started up and ran fine for 40 min. WTF?  Dave

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