what tripped the breaker? I don't know for sure what tripped the breaker but I have suspicions. The connection terminals on the back of the breaker may have been in the swing arc of the ratchet I was using (my favorite Gearwrench 85035 Microdrive ratchet driver set). I may have inadvertently shorted the discharge side of the breaker with the ratchet driver. I didn't realize it was there. In hindsight, I should have because the terminals both had rubber boots on them.
-- Dennis C. Touche' 35-1 #83 Mandeville, LA On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 10:28 AM Korbey Hunt <kampf2...@hotmail.com> wrote: > Good story. Sound troubleshooting analysis. Maybe there was nothing > wrong with the old fuel pump. Big question, what tripped the breaker? > >
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