This is a Betty/Veronica conversation….for those of a certain age. (Lol.)
Build Quality aside, This fun discussion is totally dependent on how you wish to use the boat. I’m in the process of buying my next boat - an alubat ovni - and I’m sure it’ll sail like a barge compared to my c&c 33ii. It doesn’t have the interior volume, walk through transom, twin helms or owners cabin of a modern centre cockpit/aft cabin design, which would necessarily have exposed rudders, a huge high dodger and an elevated cockpit sole. (The latter is a pain point for me in newer boats under, say 45’). The design/features compromise of the boat I chose do suit my intended use. I do think that vintage is often more relevant that builder - most mass production builders’ designs of a given period have a lot in common My C$.02. Dave Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 23, 2023, at 7:50 AM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > > I'm not sure there is much research that went into this comment. Most of the > boats you listed have been around for decades and some are amazingly designed > and of high quality construction. >>snip<< Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: Thanks for your help. Stu