The problem with that trick is the wires are now a bundle and would need
to be removed together if you wanted to add another wire or replace one
of the existing ones. Best to do it right, like modern masts are done.
On 2022-08-19 10:00 a.m., Matthew via CnC-List wrote:
Another trick I have seen for noise reduction is to zip tie the wires together at various
intervals with zip ties that are too long and going in various directions. The zip tie
"tails" fend the wires off the inside of the mast.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 9:18 AM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Leeward Rail <>; CHARLES SCHEAFFER
Subject: Stus-List Re: Conduit Size for C&C 30 Mark 1 ?
FWIW, I believe the conduit size in our mast is 1" ID. I pulled all new 16gage
wires in when I replaced the lights with LED style.
Windex (2 wires)
Tricolor (2 wires)
Steaming/deck light combo (3 wires)
VHF cable
Removed the wind instrument cable because I have TickTick wireless. Pulled in
a better VHF cable, which turned out thinner than the 1989 one. There is room
for another cable for TV or WiFi booster or FLIR or something, but I prefer to
keep the rig light. has some reasonably priced fixtures. I got their two wire
masttop Tricolor/anchor/strobe light.
My only regret is I didn't pull in a pull string for future.
Chuck Scheaffer Resolute 1989 C&C 34R
On 08/19/2022 8:32 AM Leeward Rail via CnC-List <> wrote:
Vhf coax LMR400UF
Cell booster antenna with coax of some unknown size... Likely some
other large low loss cable like LMR400 Steaming light Anchor light
One day may have wind instruments
Bigger is easier when fishing wire.
Why undersize it when it costs virtually the same and takes the same effort?
Aug. 19, 2022 7:14:47 a.m. Jeff Nelson via CnC-List <>:
I do not believe there are any obstructions. That said 1.5 inches seems pretty
big for 5 - 7 wires...
what all you got going on up there?
Jeff Nelson
Muir Caileag
C&C 30 - 549
Armdale Y.C.
On 2022-08-18 14:17, leewardrail hotmail via CnC-List wrote:
Hello All,
I am planning to install conduit in the mast of our 30 Mark 1.
Unfortunately I am hours away from the boat, and need to buy the
Would 1.5" PVC Conduit fit ? Would 1.5" run without obstruction all the way to
the masthead, or is there something at the spreader that would get in the way ?
I prefer 1 1/2" 1 1/4" is about the minimum I would want to use.