I do not believe there are any obstructions.  That said 1.5 inches seems pretty big for 5 - 7 wires...
what all you got going on up there?

  Jeff Nelson
  Muir Caileag
  C&C 30 - 549
  Armdale Y.C.

On 2022-08-18 14:17, leewardrail hotmail via CnC-List wrote:
Hello All,

I am planning to install conduit in the mast of our 30 Mark 1.

Unfortunately I am hours away from the boat, and need to buy the conduit

Would 1.5" PVC Conduit fit ?  Would 1.5" run without obstruction all the way to the masthead, or is there something at the spreader that would get in the way ?

I prefer 1 1/2"   1 1/4" is about the minimum I would want to use.

Thanks !

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