I replaced the winches on my 34 with Andersen 2 Speed 50ST Full Stainless
Self-Tailing Winches two years ago. It did require filling the holes and
redrilling.  As this was part of a deck repaint with all hardware off, I
ground out fiberglass in a taper around each hole, filled the hole in the
plywood with thickened epoxy and layed in new glass and epoxy on top to
make a strong repair.  Finally sand and fill as required to smooth out the
top before repainting and then drilling installing the new winches.

The Anderson 50ST size is very nice and fits the boat well.  If I was to do
it again, I would probably go with Lewmar instead (not sure which size is
equivalent but you could look that up) - I thought that the Anderson all
stainless design would be nice, but the lines actually don't release very
smoothly under load if you want to ease a sheet. It tends to stick and then
release suddenly. The high end Lewmar winches are likely worth the price
difference for smoother operation.


Nathan Post
S/V Wisper
C&C 34 CB
Lynn, MA

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