Amsoil has some pretty interesting resources regarding "high flow" air filters. 
 They sat that some very high percentage of wear occurs as a result of 
particles smaller than 5 microns.  Well if you oil filter only gets brtween 10 
and 20 microns then what is one to do?  Additionally were would particles that 
small come from?  Their answer is that they come from the air and that 
preventing the intake of those particles is critical to keeping them out of the 
engine oil.  Of course they sell air filters that filter below the 5 micron 
size but of note is their statement that filters like K&N are capable of 
achieving high flow due to their large media pore size.  In fact its not really 
media at all but rather a cotton gause which often relies on a sticky oil to 
catch the dirt.   I'll see if I can find the publication.  It was enough for me 
to stop using K&N and instead look for oversized options with small micron 
ratings.  Of course anything is better than the Yanmar sponge...or worse a 
yanmar sponge disintegrating into the engine.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

Jun 30, 2022 07:53:34 John Irvin via CnC-List <>:

> Have used K&N in my vehicles for decades. Very satisfied. Should work in 
> boats.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 29, 2022, at 9:31 PM, Dave via CnC-List <> wrote:
> We have met the enemy, and he is us!  Lol....
> Mine also disintegrated, and the particles were ingested by the engine.   
> Seems a bit ironic for an air filter to expire this way, though oddly just 
> for failing to replace it.  
> You too were punished.   Karma.
> Glad it worked out.
> Dave
> Sent from 
> Mail[]
>  for Windows
> *From: *Robert Abbott[]
> *Sent: *June 29, 2022 6:18 PM
> *To: *Stus-List[]
> *Cc: *Dave S[]
> *Subject: *Yanmar 2 GMF
> Dave,
> The truth be known, genius here 2 or 3 years ago took the old filter out and 
> it had pretty much had been disintegrated....not having a new Yanmar air 
> filter, but the old metal ring, I took a piece of a sponge and cut it to fit 
> into the metal ring and thought it was all O.K.   The sponge will filter the 
> air.    Right?
> Well no, it did work for a while but a genuine Yanmar air filter works 
> I found out.
> There, I was me that caused the problem.   The new Yanmar air 
> filter cost $45 here which seems like a lot for a simple device.  But $45 is 
> not a lot when the pain, angst, and disruption of one's sailing season is in 
> jeopardy.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - #277
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2022-06-29 2:06 p.m., Dave S via CnC-List wrote:
> Good to hear.   How the heck did the old one get that clogged?   Bad decade 
> for mosquitoes?  
> Dave
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 22:19, Robert Abbott via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> While I awaited another day for a marine mechanic to get around to
> addressing my engine problem, while on the boat today, I thought of
> something.    I had a new Yanmar air filter on the boat which I got last
> year, which I thought what harm could a new air filter do....changed out
> the old one and replaced with new one, and guess what, in neutral, the
> engine revived up to 3,400 before i stopped....ran the engine in forward
> gear at the slip for another 20 minutes.... shut the engine
> off...started again...revved up and down....engine works as it should.
> The problem was a lack of air....explains where the smoke was coming
> from....incomplete, with the new air filter, no smoke.
> Thanks to everyone for thoughts/possibilities of what might be the cause
> of my engine issue.
> Going for a sail tomorrow.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - #277
> Halifax, N.S.

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