As Don suggests, and as Ron indicated, the 38 mkll and 38 Landfall can be 


Imzadi is a 1976 38 mkll, with a ZCC builder code, but also indicates as being 
built by CYC Yachts in NOTL. I have the builders file on her, and it contains a 
copy of a shipping document showing the (incomplete?) boat being shipped from 
Rhode Island into Canada, plus a shipping document showing the completed vessel 
going from NOTL to the original dealer in Gross Point, MI. IIRC there is also a 
customs document showing a sizeable US content for the boat.


My presumption has always been that some of the hulls were made in Rhode Island 
but final assembly and fitting out was done in Canada. If the LF38 was done in 
RI, and since the hull form for the MKll and LF are pretty much the same, and 
C&C seems to have built something like 90 mk2s in 1976 which might have pressed 
the capacity of the NOTL operation, my presumption sounds like it might be 


Anyway, there is a search where you can put vessel name, HIN, or documentation 
number into your PC and get a brief report of information if the boat has been 
documented. The link is Free Vessel Documentation Search Lookup | 
<> .


Imzadi is documented, and is shows her a being built by NOTL. Which  is why I 
can’t use her as a 6 pack vessel here in the US.


BTW, just to add to the confusion, the paperwork on my 25 mk1 says she came 
from RI, but she has a CCY builder code. Go figure



Rick Brass

Imzadi  C&C 38 mk2 #47

la Belle Aurore  C&C 25 mk1 #225

Washington, NC





From: Don Kern via CnC-List [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2022 1:14 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Don Kern <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: C&C44 owners need information



I have been collecting data on the C&C for quite a few years and have run into 
the problem of what Portsmouth RI actually built due to the apparent use of 
both ZCC and CCY for Hull No.  The 38s are one of the problems with the 
Landfalls and Mk-2s.  I originally was under the impression that the LF 38s 
were built in Portsmouth, RI with HIN ZCC and Mk-2s only in Canada (HIN - CCY), 
but have run into exceptions.  

Can you you provide me with a full hull number and where your C&C 38 Mk-2 was 

Don Kern
Fireball, C&C35 Mk-2
Bristol, RI


On 6/25/2022 12:18 PM, RON CASCIATO via CnC-List wrote:

Hi Dan, not sure if this helps but......some time ago after the factory closed, 
 South Shore Yachts in Toronto collected most of the boat files including 
something called a "build file". 

This file was specific to a single boat and was filed by the hull number.

They made these files available to owners for $35-50.

I have the one for my 38MKIIC and it is about 50 sheets long and details the 
build including drawings and, in my case, a 2 year later rework of the floor 
because of "flexing"?????

I think Rob Maclachlan finally transferred the remaining documents to the 
Marine Museum (I'm not sure of the exact name, but I do know that some listers 
have had positive corresoondence with them).

Hopefully, someone here can fill in the missing info to contact them.

Good luck

Ron C.


C&C 38MKII, #125, '77


On Jun 25, 2022 6:47 AM, Dan via CnC-List  <> 
<> wrote:

Hi all, 

Just sending a call out to only C&C44 owners who may have any records showing 
if their boats were built in Ontario or at the factory in Rhode Island? Any 
kind of builders plaque, builders certificate, an original receipt or even 
contact info for someone who has archives from when the factories closed down? 
(I know that's a long shot)


Thanks so much!


Dan Cormier

C&C44 Breakaweigh

Halifax NS / Florida




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